is an artistic group born in 2021 based in Madrid dedicated to artistic research and creation using the stage as an obstacle and potency for the expression of a thought.

The double meaning of the word scatology channels and governs their way of working. On the one hand, the excrement, the waste, the abject, the despicable, and on the other hand, everything that ends, dies, ultimates.

Founded by Miguel Deblas, George Marinov and Óscar Nieto, it currently collaborates regularly with Julia Solé and Cristina Manuela.

They has presented the stage pieces Cicuta Contagiosa (2021) and Ejercicios militares para confundir éxtasis con agonía (2023), as well as the relational performance Symposium - In vino veritas (2022) presented at ArtHall Gozo (Malta).

ÉSKATON is a resident company at Réplika Teatro - Centro Internacional de Creación (Madrid), a centre that has produced and premiered its two stage pieces.

